Apple Developer Connection Student Program
ADC Tools Sampler CD Disk 3 1999.iso
Cool Demos, SDKs, & Tools
Alpha ƒ
Default Key Bindings
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Text File
274 lines
Alpha allows you to customize the keystrokes you use to invoke editor
functions. There are basically three different ways editor functions can
be invoked:
• Directly via Alpha menus.
• Via the 'Evaluate' function (escape-x).
• By selecting them and "load"ing them (command-l).
• Through key combinations other than menu equivalents. These
combinations include function keys and the numeric keypad.
It is the last option that we are concerned with here. By default, Alpha
has well over 100 different key bindings, far more than you would ever want
to memorize. However, the bindings are there only for your convenience. You
don't need to use any of them, but many people find that using the mouse
for common editing functions seriously slows them down.
The following is a list of some of the most commonly used key bindings in
Alpha's default setup:
'help' invoke Alpha help
Moving the Cursor
left-arrow or control-b backward character
right-arrow or control-f forward character
up-arrow or control-p previous-line
down-arrow or control-n next-line
option-left-arrow or option-b backward one word
option-right-arrow or option-f forward one word
command-left-arrow or control-a beginning of line
command-right-arrow or control-e end of line
command-up-arrow or 'home' beginning of window
command-down-arrow or 'end' end of window
'pgup' move one page backward
'pgdn' move one page forward
Selecting Text
shift-left-arrow extend selection one char left
shift-right-arrow extend selection one char right
shift-up-arrow extend selection one line up
shift-down-arrow extend selection one line down
shift-option-left-arrow extend selection one word left
shift-option-right-arrow extend selection one word right
control-h select next word
shift-command-left-arrow select to beginning of line
shift-command-right-arrow select to end of line
Deleting Text
'del' or control-d delete forward char
'delete' delete backward char
option-d delete forward word
option-h or option-delete delete backward word
control-k delete to end of line
F5 previous window
F6 next window
F7 tile windows
F8 exchange previous window w/ current
A formated table of key bindings in LaTeX format are in ":LaTeX:latex 2e".
Below are the rest of the generic bindings. Be aware that each file has a
"mode" associated with it (popup menu on the downward-pointing triangle
above the vertical scrollbar) that may define additional key bindings.
Whenever in doubt about your current mode, select "Describe Mode" from
the popup menu over the flag icon above the vertical scrollbar.
Bind 'a' <oz> insertAscii
Bind 'a' <soz> getAscii
Bind 'a' <z> beginningOfLine
Bind 'b' <z> backwardChar
Bind 'c' <z> prefixChar
Bind 'c' <zC> gotoMatch
Bind 'd' <z> deleteChar
Bind 'e' <z> endOfLine
Bind 'f' <zX> findFile
Bind 'f' <cz> freeMem
Bind 'f' <z> forwardChar
Bind 'g' <z> abortEm
ascii 0x8 backSpace
Bind 'h' <z> hiliteWord
Bind 'k' <z> killLine
Bind 'l' <z> centerRedraw
ascii 0xd carriageReturn
Bind 'n' <z> nextLine
Bind 'o' <z> openLine
Bind 'p' <z> previousLine
Bind 'q' <z> prefixChar
Bind 'r' <z> rsearch
Bind 's' <zX> save
Bind 's' <coz> spacesToTabs
Bind 's' <z> isearch
Bind 't' <coz> tabsToSpaces
Bind 't' <z> insertToTop
Bind 'u' <z> iterationCount
Bind 'v' <z> pageForward
Bind 'w' <sz> rectMarkHilite
Bind 'w' <z> cut
Bind 'x' <z> prefixChar
Bind 'x' <zX> exchangePointAndMark
Bind 'y' <z> yank
Bind 'z' <z> pageBack
ascii 0x1b startEscape
Bind '\[' <sz> normalLeftBracket
Bind '\]' <sz> normalRightBracket
Bind ' ' <e> oneSpace
Bind ' ' <z> setMark
Bind ''' <z> quoteWord
Bind '9' <sX> startKeyboardMacro
Bind '0' <sX> endKeyboardMacro
Bind ',' <z> pushMark
Bind '.' <z> popMark
Bind '1' <X> zoom
Bind '1' <z> execAbbrev
Bind ',' <se> beginningOfBuffer
Bind '.' <se> endOfBuffer
Bind kpad. endOfBuffer
Bind 'b' <se> backwardWordSelect
Bind right forwardChar
Bind right <c> endOfLine
Bind right <s> forwardCharSelect
Bind right <cs> endLineSelect
Bind right <z> {scrollRightCol 15}
Bind right <o> forwardWord
Bind right <so> forwardWordSelect
Bind 'f' <se> forwardWordSelect
Bind left backwardChar
Bind left <c> beginningOfLine
Bind left <s> backwardCharSelect
Bind left <cs> beginningLineSelect
Bind left <z> {scrollLeftCol 15}
Bind left <o> backwardWord
Bind left <so> backwardWordSelect
Bind clear insertToTop
Bind down nextIntro Help
Bind down nextLine
Bind down <c> endOfBuffer
Bind down <s> nextLineSelect
Bind down <cs> endBufferSelect
Bind down <z> scrollDownLine
Bind down <o> scrollDownLine
Bind enter pageForward
Bind up prevIntro Help
Bind up previousLine
Bind up <s> prevLineSelect
Bind up <c> beginningOfBuffer
Bind up <cs> beginningBufferSelect
Bind up <z> scrollUpLine
Bind up <o> scrollUpLine
Bind kpad0 pageBack
Bind kpad1 prevFunc
Bind kpad3 nextFunc
Bind kpad4 backwardWord
Bind kpad4 <c> backwardDeleteWord
Bind kpad5 exchangePointAndMark
Bind kpad6 forwardWord
Bind kpad6 <c> deleteWord
Bind kpad7 backwardDeleteWord
Bind '\[' <cs> ordLeftBrace
Bind kpad9 deleteWord
Bind '\]' <cs> ordRightBrace
Bind f5 prevWindow
Bind 'a' <Q> tiled
Bind f6 nextWindow
Bind 'b' <X> chooseAWindow
Bind 'b' <Q> shrinkLow
Bind 'b' <e> backwardWord
Bind f7 tiled
Bind 'c' <Q> chooseAWindow
Bind 'c' <e> capitalizeWord
Bind f3 copy
Bind 'd' <e> deleteWord
Bind f8 swapWithNext
Bind 'e' <X> executeKeyboardMacro
Bind 'e' <e> nextSentence
Bind f9 pushMark
Bind 'f' <Q> shrinkFull
Bind 'f' <e> forwardWord
Bind 'g' <e> gotoLine
Bind f11 shrinkHigh
Bind 'h' <Q> horizontally
Bind 'h' <e> backwardDeleteWord
Bind 'i' <Q> iconify
Bind f13 startKeyboardMacro
Bind 'j' <e> fillParagraph
Bind 'k' <e> keyCode
Bind f14 endKeyboardMacro
Bind 'l' <C> texDividingLine TeX
Bind 'l' <X> currentPosition
Bind 'l' <Q> shrinkLeft
Bind 'l' <e> downcaseWord
Bind 'l' <C> dividingLine
Bind 'm' <X> matchingLines
Bind f10 popMark
Bind 'n' <Q> nextWindow
Bind 'o' <X> swapWithNext
Bind 'o' <Q> overlay
Bind f12 shrinkLow
Bind 'p' <Q> prevWindow
Bind 'p' <e> fillParagraphSentence
Bind f15 executeKeyboardMacro
Bind 'r' <Q> shrinkRight
Bind 'r' <e> repeatSearchBackward
Bind help alphaHelp
Bind 's' <Q> swapWithNext
Bind 's' <e> repeatSearchForward
Bind home beginningOfBuffer
Bind 't' <Q> shrinkHigh
Bind 't' <e> findTag
Bind pgup pageBack
Bind 'u' <e> upcaseWord
Bind del deleteChar
Bind 'v' <Q> vertically
Bind 'v' <e> pageBack
Bind f4 yank
Bind 'w' <e> copy
Bind end endOfBuffer
Bind 'x' <e> execute
Bind f2 cut
Bind pgdn pageForward
Bind f1 iconify
Bind left backwardChar
Bind left <c> beginningOfLine
Bind left <s> backwardCharSelect
Bind left <cs> beginningLineSelect
Bind left <z> {scrollLeftCol 15}
Bind left <o> backwardWord
Bind left <so> backwardWordSelect
Bind right forwardChar
Bind right <c> endOfLine
Bind right <s> forwardCharSelect
Bind right <cs> endLineSelect
Bind right <z> {scrollRightCol 15}
Bind right <o> forwardWord
Bind right <so> forwardWordSelect
Bind down nextIntro Help
Bind down nextLine
Bind down <c> endOfBuffer
Bind down <s> nextLineSelect
Bind down <cs> endBufferSelect
Bind down <z> scrollDownLine
Bind down <o> scrollDownLine
Bind up prevIntro Help
Bind up previousLine
Bind up <s> prevLineSelect
Bind up <c> beginningOfBuffer
Bind up <cs> beginningBufferSelect
Bind up <z> scrollUpLine
Bind up <o> scrollUpLine
Bind 'a' <o> prevSentence